We add value to leaders who multiply value to others and the results are growing leaders who produce transformation. JLaw Consulting marries its influence and resources to share leadership values, provide opportunities for self-reflection, and drive commitment to measurable action steps. Steps may be small, but as they are taken weekly, consistency compounds and the results snowball.
As individual lives are changed, the companies where those individuals work are changed, the culture of organizations improve, and the results are real and measurable. Imagine the potential as key streams of influence are collectively impacted and we see lasting, positive change at a personal, community and national level.
Dr. Lawrence grows leaders to transform their world, and we are doing it one community, school and one person at time!
As a John Maxwell Certified Coach, Teacher and Speaker, I can offer you workshops, seminars, keynote speaking, and coaching, aiding your personal and professional growth through study and practical application of John’s proven leadership methods. Working together, I will move you and/or your team or organization in the desired direction to reach your goals.
My commitment to lifelong learning and my quest to build a legacy of influence led me to join the John Maxwell Team. I am driven by the word “BELIEVE” and this word has raised my level of consciousness to a level of success I thought was only imaginable. I see myself as the highest expression of God’s creation and I live each day believing for greater.
The John Maxwell educational tools have enhanced my life, my profession, my confidence, and provided me with some amazing resources to live a well balanced life. I have personally implemented the John Maxwell philosophy behind personal development and several of the laws of leadership. My growth in the self-development space has taken me to the World Stage and continues to help me influence the lives of others.
Great leadership development is necessary as organizations take on the personality of their leaders. Leadership development will maximize productivity, innovation and cultivate a positive culture. The objective is to help you achieve strategic success. Great leaders are visionaries, positive thinkers and excellent communicators. As a consultant, speaker and educator, The Believe Coach will engage Corporate leaders, Associations and Non-Profit Organizations with educational programs that Empower and lead to a high performing workforce.